Physical books are "print on demand" from printers around the world. Delivery times will vary hugely based on local and global factors, but, in general, expect delivery in 3-6 weeks.

The ebook is delivered in two forms. After purchase, you should receive the PDF version within minutes to your email. We also have a Google Documents version, which allows you to highlight and comment within the book in order to ask questions that we (the authors) and anyone else can see and help with. Access to the Google Doc can take up to 48 hours.

neural networks from scratch
neural networks from scratch
neural networks from scratch

The Neural Networks from Scratch book is printed in full color for both images and charts as well as for Python syntax highlighting for code and references to code in the text.

neural networks from scratch
neural networks from scratch
neural networks from scratch

The physical version of Neural Networks from Scratch is available as softcover or hardcover:

neural networks from scratch